The gaming enterprise is monstrous however flawed, being constructed on one-sided fashions that restrict consumer possession and stifle player-dependent economies. We consider gamers ought to clearly own their in-game objects in any recreation; in addition, we consider gamers ought to be rewarded for the effort and time they spend on gambling a recreation and contributing to that recreations community. This is why we're constructing MetaKillers. We recognize video games may be extra, so we
ve been busy constructing a recreation wherein each card % you open, each battle you fight, and each character you craft is constructed to be a part of a sustainable, real-price economy. The objects you own are installation to have extra application past simply gambling the recreation as you could exchange them with anyone, under complete interoperability. No one – such as us – ought to have the ability to do away with what belongs to you, an idea made possible thanks to BSC`s technology. Retention of gamers through ownership and monetization We believe that the key to absolute growth is through retaining the existent revenue stream, in terms of the game, the existent revenue streams are the player. MK will retain its players through enabling them to own in-game assets, utilise and monetize them. Mobility and interoperability Another key of greater success, in our opinion, is the relevancy and ease of interoperability. For this purpose, MK plans to bring other networks on board in order for our users to easily transfer their assets from one network to another. This property will enhance the utility of our assets. Very competitive user acquisition MetaKiller aims to improve user acquisition by simplifying the game model. We strongly support the explanation of reducing game acquisition costs by 30% and plan to gain a cost competitive advantage.
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